Author: inly

Robert participates in the Go´kväll show

Don’t lose the opportunity to watch the Go’kväll program broadcasted by Swedish National Television at 18:15 on November 25th.。In the show,Robert collects his performances on a new CD ” Close Up Classics”Tracks。


Robert is once again playing at a grand gala in Beijing, called “Music: Sounding Out The Future”, which will be held in the China National Convention Centre. This is a global event organized by WIPO in cooperation with Chinese organization, NCAC. The concert will also be broadcast on Chinese TV. For more info, visit

Premiere of the solo concert “Close Up Classics”

After many years of large concert sets, Robert now performs works for solo piano by the classical masters Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin, Stenhammar and Rachmaninoff et al. during a concert of the same name as the new CD
14 november kl. 16.00 in Ersta church, Stockholm

Solo concert” Close Up Classics”First show

After years of practice in large-scale concert performances,Today Robert unveiled his classic piano solo performance。The repertoire includes the world famous music master Beethoven,Liszt,Chopin,Classical music works by Rachmaninov and Stanhama。After the concert,CD turntables with the same name will also come out。Performance time at 16:00, November 14,The location is in Stockholm's Ersta Church。


After many years of huge concert tours, Robert is now performing solo piano pieces by classical masters like Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin, Rachmaninoff and Stenhammar, etc. in a concert with the same name as the new album. November 14th at 16:00 in Ersta Church, Stockholm


Friday 5/11 Robert plays with most of the great Chinese artists in a live broadcast
TV gala from Guangzhou, Canton.
A couple of the cast is Gong Li, one of China's greatest film actresses and
Zhang liang ying, singer who is number one on all lists right now and POP star Sun Nan.


115th of the month,In Guangzhou, Robert will perform with many Chinese artists in a TV show。The famous movie actress Gong Li and the famous singer Zhang Liangying attended the party together.。


On Friday the 5th of November, Robert is playing with several major Chinese artists in modern time in a live TV gala from Guangzhou, Canton. Gong Li, one of China’s biggest movie actresses, Zhang Liang Ying, singer who is number one on all the charts right now, and pop star, Sun Nan, are but a few of the names who will take part in this gala.


The 8:e November the first solo album with Robert is released. Classic works by e.g.. Chopin. NAXOS publishes it on the label CARPE DIEM.


11Robert's first album turntable comes out on August 8。Classical music includes works by Chopin。NAXOS is produced under the brand name CARPE DIEM。