Author: inly

Robert Wells at an exclusive Chinese TV gala

Robert Wells will return to China on Friday.
This time to participate in SPRING FESTIVAL in Beijing. This major festival celebrated in conjunction with the Chinese New Year TV is broadcast on CCTV4 across Asia and also via satellite in the rest of the world.

When Robert is now the only Scandinavian artist ever to be invited to participate in this gigantic TV broadcast on 6 February is a dream come true

Wells concert in Tromsö on Saturday will be moved to tomorrow Thursday.

After the China trip, Wells' tour in Norway continues as planned with Trondheim on 10/2.
Thereafter follows 11/2 in Lillehammer, 12/2 in Halden and 13/2 in Lilleström.


Thursday 4/2 Robert plays with the band in Tromsö for the annual Northern Lights Festival. On Friday, it carries off directly to Beijing. Robert is the first Scandinavian to be invited to participate in the SPRING FESTIVAL in CHINA. It is the annual Dual Broadcast that covers the Chinese New Year. More about the broadcast is coming.

Warm congratulations

Two winners will be announced to the Backstage of Dahara including admission tickets to the backstage,是诺尔雪平的比尔·拉斯姆松。 Wells Daily is very interested in the game。Congratulations from the Wells Music Group。Those who have not won tickets are also welcome to arrive in Hara。If you are interested, you can visit us in July,Please use the link。


42nd of the month,Thursday,Robert and the band play for the annual Nordlys celebration in Tromso。He will fly directly to Beijing on Friday。Robert is the first artist from Scandinavia to be invited to the Chinese New Year Gala。This is the annual Chinese New Year live TV show。There will be more follow-up plays。


On Thursday 4th of February, Robert plays with the band in Tromso, Norway, for the annual Northern Lights Festival. On Friday, it’s off to Beijing straight away. Robert is the first Scandinavian to have been invited to participate in the Spring Festival in China. It is the annual To broadcast, which monitors the Chinese New Year. More info to come.


The Norway tour is rescheduled for Saturday's gig on 6:e is moved to one 4:e. All for Robert to participate in the SPRING FESTIVAL ,Beijing China. It is the major TV show that is broadcast all over Asia and also via satellite in the rest of the world. The tour in Norway continues as planned 10/2 in Trondheim. The concerts 7-9/2 moved forward to later dates.


Performances in Norway have changed。Moved from paragraph 6 to paragraph 4 on Saturday. The change is to adapt to Robert's visit to Beijing to see the performance of the Chinese New Year Gala。The Spring Festival Gala is a grand TV show,Satellite TV broadcasts programs to all of Asia and some other countries in the world。The search performance in Norway will continue as planned,2In Trondheim。 2The concert will be postponed from the 7th to the 9th。


Performances in Norway have changed。Moved from paragraph 6 to paragraph 4 on Saturday. The change is to adapt to Robert's visit to Beijing to see the performance of the Chinese New Year Gala。The Spring Festival Gala is a grand TV show,Satellite TV broadcasts programs to all of Asia and some other countries in the world。The search performance in Norway will continue as planned,2In Trondheim。 2The concert will be postponed from the 7th to the 9th。


The Norway tour is being diverted. The Saturday gig on the 6th of February will be moved back to the 4th of February, so that Robert will be able to participate in the Spring Festival in Beijing, China. It is a great TV show broadcast throughout Asia and also via satellite in other parts of the world. The tour in Norway continues as planned on 10th of February in Trondheim. Concerts 7-9 February will be postponed to a later date.


Winner of two tickets to Dalhalla incl. Backstage tour was
Bill Rasmusson from Norrköping.
Great interest in this competition from Daily Wells. We thank you extra for Congratulations, we greet from Wells Music .

You who did not win tickets are of course welcome to Dalhalla. Go to if you want to visit us in July.