Author: Robert Wells


…to Charlie Norman.

This weekend 2-4/10 pays tribute to Wells and the orchestra 100 anniversary of Charlie Norman.

Tickets via the links.


…with Berglund, Harryson & Wells i September 2020 are canceled due to. ongoing pandemic

with restrictions on audience numbers. Ticket buyers will of course receive compensation via the respective agent.


We Endure!

A collaboration with 50 century colleagues. And boost, tribute and battle song to healthcare professionals around the country.

Link to youtube.




New Single!

New Single! Today Friday is released “Silent Rain” .Newly written instrumental piano music.

It is part of the upcoming series “Songs Without Words”

Spotify, ITunes and new video on YouTube.


Tickets up now for an extra concert in Dalhalla, Friday 14:and Augusti.

Via the website or