in this week,CLOSE UP CLASSICS is still at the top of the turntable catalog。We will celebrate it on monday。
Category: News Chinese
Wells’ Close Up Classics turntable tops the list this week。Tonight’s tour will be held at the concert hall in Norrkoping at 19:30。
Wells Daily
Read the Wells Daily to be published next Monday,Discuss with Robert about the next issues related to the project, Such as feature classical music tour and 25th anniversary celebration, etc.。
Tickets for Robert's first solo show are being sold。 Tickets can be purchased through TICNET。Other information about the performance can be found under the tour logo on the homepage。For the blog, see
Talberg”Close Up Classics”New Year's performance
Robert performs a solo concert in Klockargården on New Year's Day”Close Up Classics”。Concert includes Liszt,Chopin,Beethoven,Stanhama,Grieg,Classic works by Rachmaninoff and Debussy。
Talberg Exclusive New Year's Concert
New Year's Eve,Robert and his band and Vocalettes come to Talbot in Darana,Will perform in the ancient Klockargården。For more details and ticket purchase, go to the link:// = calendar
” Close Up Classics”Turntable signature
12January 21st at 19:00,Robert will hold a signature event at the Gamleby mall in the north of Westwick。
” Close Up Classics”Turntable signature
1212th of March,Sunday,Robert held a signature event at the NK mall in Stockholm。
time:1417 points。
” Close Up Classics”Turntable signature
12moon10day,Friday,14pointRobertIn UllarriedYekasHoldSignature event。
” Close Up Classics”Turntable signature
1220:30 on 9th,Robert holds a signature event at the Youth Home in Mutala。