SKOKLOSTER church,88th of March,Sunday。A new concert starts at 20 o'clock。Tickets for the previous concert that started at 17:00 are sold out。
Category: News Chinese
New first show
Sofia Källgren and Wales’ summer tour starts now。The most recent performance at the Gränna church,74th of the month,Saturday。The tour will last until August 4th,End at Lestona。
Completed immediately! ! !
Last year in Dar Halla,This will be the 56th to 59th concerts at Ridewirt。In Dar Halla alone, more than 210,000 people came to rock and roll rhapsody performances。Between July 16th and 20th,Robert played the last four games with Back On Track。The new performance location will be discussed in the coming season。
Congratulations to the Wells Daily for winning the newsletter competition。Each signed”Back On Track”As the theme song of the annual Rhapsody Concert。
Birgit Lehikoinen,Hagfors
Helene Strid,Lidinge
Lars Erlandsson,Visby
Tommy Sternulf,Karlskrona
Birgitta Högman,Knivsta
Ulf Garding,Upplands Wesby
Annelie Sandgren,Alvesta
Anita Salonen,Pargas,Finland
Henrik Andersson,Torstorp
Anne Ferm,Gothenburg
TV4 Lotta at Liseberg Amusement Park
816th of March,Monday,Robert and Lotta at Liseberg Amusement Park in the evening。
Swedish Railways
Swedish Railways implements Rhapsody direct train to Hala。Go to the activities section of the Swedish Railways to book tickets and concert tickets
Hall of Fame
罗伯特·威尔斯现在荣登斯德哥尔摩阿兰德机场的名人堂。66th of March,Sunday,14You will be lucky enough to meet Wells and the Vocalettes at the Aland marquee next to Skeppsbron。
A summer guest won Anita O´Day Scholarship。
"The singing of La Gaylia Fraziers has rich connotations,Super musicality and unique appeal。She combines classical jazz melodies with various styles of music in a highly personal and convincing way."。
The Board of Directors of the Jazz Museum Foundation has decided,2010Anita O’DAY Scholarship will be awarded to LaGaylia Fraziers。We, the Welsh musicians, extend our warm congratulations。
ESC 2010
Robert participated in the Belarusian appearance in Oslo and Eurovision Song Contest。Wells helped to play the butterfly song of the 3+2 vocal group。The semi-finals will be held on May 5th。
Church performance
Kiruna Noland Church performance ends on weekend。Sofia Kälggren and Robert co-star with local choir and bassist Lasse Risberg。See the update of the summer concert performance plan。