The Rhapsody In Rock concerts in Waxholm are moved to Skansen!

The two concerts Robert Wells gives with his Rhapsody In Rock 14 and 15 August is moved to Skansen, Stockholm.

Purchased tickets to Waxholm are valid for the same date at Skansen. As Skansen has a larger capacity than Waxholms Kastell, extra tickets are released. The concert time has changed both days to 19.30. The large Rhapsody stage will be built on the pitch in front of Solliden, where Wells gave some of his legendary Rhapsody concerts for almost exactly 10 years ago. The move will then be made to Rhapsody In Rock on Saturday 15 August in addition to the participating artists will also be visited by five of the greatest artists in China. The concert will also be recorded by Chinese TV.

Participating artists are
Glenn Hughes (UK)
Albert Lee (US)
LaGaylia Frazier
Team Wells choir from the Choir
Nina Söderquist
Jörgen Mörnbäck
Jacob Samuel
Pablo Cepeda
Stephen Brandt-Hansen (Norway)
Sven & Roma (Tyskland)

And on Saturday as well
Mr. En Bao:singer
Ms. On the Wall: singer
Ms. Jiang Feng:soprano, opera singer
Mr. Cai Dasheng:tenor, opera singer
Mrs. Zhu Jiangbo:China's top Erhu player
Ms. Liu Fangfei: one of Chinese television:s most famous presenters