Författare: inly


The second part of the summer tour with Sofia Källgren and Wells is starting. Gränna Church is up next on the tour plan, on Saturday 24th of July. The tour runs until the 14th of August, with the final concert in Röstånga.


Nu är det dax!!!!
Sista året i Dalhalla.Detta blir den 56:e till 59:e konserten!!!! i gropen i Rättvik. Över 210.000 människor har sett Rhapsody In Rock bara i Dalhalla.Mellan den 16-20/7 gör Robert ensemblen de fyra sista spelningarna i Dalhalla med Back On Track. Nya platser diskuteras redan inför kommande säsonger.


最后一年在达尔哈拉,这将是在赖德维特第56至第59演唱会。仅在达尔哈拉就有超过210000人光临摇滚的狂想的演出。在7月16日到20日之间,与Back On Track一起罗伯特演奏了最后四场。新的演出地点将在接下来的季节中讨论。


Last year in Dalhalla. These are the 56th – 59th concerts(!) in the Rättvik pit. More than 210,000 people have seen the Rhapsody In Rock only in Dalhalla over the years. Between the 16th and 20th of July, Robert and the ensemble will be doing the final four gigs in Dalhalla with Back On Track. New locations are already being discussed for the coming seasons.


Grattis till vinnare i nyhetsbrevet Daily Wells. Varsin signerad single ”Back On Track” Titellåt i samband årets Rhapsodykonserter.

Birgit Lehikoinen Hagfors
Heléne Strid Lidingö
Lars Erlandsson Visby
Tommy Sternulf Karlskrona
Birgitta Högman Knivsta
Ulf Garding Upplands Väsby
Annelie Sandgren Alvesta
Anita Salonen Pargas FI
Henrik Andersson Torestorp
Anne Ferm Göteborg.


祝贺威尔斯日报在通讯评比中获胜。各自签署了”Back On Track”作为于年度狂想曲音乐会的主題曲。
Birgit Lehikoinen,哈格福什
Heléne Strid,历丁厄
Lars Erlandsson,维斯比
Tommy Sternulf,卡尔斯克鲁纳
Birgitta Högman,克尼夫斯塔
Ulf Garding,乌普兰斯韦斯比
Annelie Sandgren,阿尔沃斯塔
Anita Salonen,帕尔加斯,芬兰
Henrik Andersson,托尔斯托普
Anne Ferm,哥德堡


Congratulations to the Daily Wells newletter winners. Each and every one of you will receive a signed ”Back On Track” single, this year’s theme song for the Rhapsody concerts.Birgit Lehikoinen, HagforsHeléne Strid, LidingöLars Erlandsson, VisbyTommy Sternulf, KarlskronaBirgitta Högman, KnivstaUlf Garding, Upplands VäsbyAnnelie Sandgren, AlvestaAnita Salonen, Pargas FIHenrik Andersson, TorestorpAnne Ferm, Göteborg.


Monday 28th of June, Robert will visit Lotta på Liseberg in Gothenburg.

””’12 June, 2010 – SJ EXPRESS””’

SJ will be hosting the Rhapsody Express to Dalhalla. Visit SJ Event to order train and concert tickets.