Posted on augusti 14, 2009 by inly - Nyheter Engelska
Tonight and tomorrow, we’re doing an all-in night on our own Rhapsody In Rock stage beside the Solliden restaurant. All tickets for Vaxholm are valid as usual. Same seating. The coach, if you missed the information to take you back to Skansen, departs at 18.00 from the ferry quay in Vaxholm and back again after the concert. Performing on Friday night are: La Gaylia Frazier, Glenn Hughes, Nina Söderqvist, Jacob Samuel, Stephen Brandt-Hansen, Jörgen Mörnbäck, Vocalettes, Pablo Cepeda and Albert Lee. In addition, Team Wells chorus, dancers, circus artists, and of course the entire orchestra. We will be 50 people on stage this evening! The concert starts at 19.30 and ends at about 22.40 with an intermission of 30 minutes. The concert will be recorded for TV 4 and Chinese TV.