
Rhapsody In Rock The Complete Collection


Antal spår: 32

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Dubbel-CD innehållande Studio och Live inspelningar från 1989 t.o.m. 2003.

Gästartister bla Carola, Björn Skifs, Janne Åström och Tito Beltran.

CD 1

  1. Overture, Games On Ice.
  2. Rhapsody In Rock VI
  3. Music
  4. In The Hall Of The Mountain King
  5. Adagio
  6. Nut Rocker
  7. Bumble Bee Boogie
  8. Saturday Night´s Boogie-
  9. Woogie Man
  10. Fantasie Impromptu
  11. Rhapsody In Rock II
  12. Rockaria
  13. China Moon
  14. Dance With The Devil
  15. La Samba Loca
  16. Bye Bye Johnny


  1. Rhapsody In Rock I
  2. All By Myself
  3. Spanish Rhapsody
  4. Life On Mars
  5. Roll Over Beethoven
  6. Rhapsody In Rock IV
  7. The Prayer
  8. Sabre Dance
  9. Tribute To Victor Borge
  10. Mio Min Mio
  11. Crocodile Rock
  12. Funicoli Funicola
  13. Wells Rag
  14. I Can´t make You Love Me
  15. Warsaw Concerto
  16. Rockin´All Over The World


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